Computer and Internet

Create a Website For Free With 8b Web Builder

Looking for a customized and responsive website at no cost? Well, we must have had you in mind. As time rolls faster, and so are the significant advancements in the technological world of E-Commerce and how people do their business over the internet.

Create a Website For Free - 8b Web Builder Guide

As it was in the past decade, you couldn’t create a fully customized website without a vast knowledge of website design. Thanks to the 8b Free Online Website Builder. The site offers endless opportunities to maximize your online presence and take your business into another step effortlessly.

Most interestingly, the steps followed in creating your website are simple and straightforward. And you don’t need to be a brainer in coding to make it headways.

8b Website Builder

8b Website Builder is one of the top-rated online website builders that offer a real-time solution to website seekers.

With its amazing and simple-to-use templates, this website is a perfect bet for people with no prior experience in programming and sophisticated web coding skills.

Whether experienced or a beginner, this site can still help you to achieve an active web presence that will go way long into attaining your digital marketing goals.

Not to mention, this site lets you create a fast, Google-friendly, and mobile-optimized website within a few clicks. Also, the site offers unlimited hosting, SSL, domain, SEO, PWA, Google AMP, and site export. Believe it or not, this is one of the perfect sites to launch your website.

Outstanding Templates

One of the unique features with 8b Web Builder is the excellent, easy-to-use templates that require no specific skills to use. With that said, there are tons of beautiful and modern models drawn from popular topics from which you can choose your perfect fit.

Create a Website For Free - 8b Web Builder Guide

From the full range of different templates, it would be almost impossible to miss a perfect model for your website. All you should do is to choose one that best fits your goals and start creating your website. Ready for a tart up? Well, stay put.

Create A Website For Free

Creating a free website with 8b Website Builder is pretty simple and straight forward. However, you need to be keen on the steps to ensure everything goes on smoothly. Ready to get started? Let’s go.

To create your free website with an 8b Free Website Builder, you should sign up by clicking on the “CREATE FREE WEBSITE” tab on the top right corner of your screen. By doing that, you would see the “Register” window with the option of signing up. With that, you can use either Google or Facebook. When you are through with the step, the next step involves customizing your site by following the steps below.

Step 1: Choose a Theme

Themes are very crucial when it comes to the readers’ interaction with your website. Therefore, you should choose a coherent yet attractive topic that can grab the attention of your potential clients.

Create a Website For Free - 8b Web Builder Guide

Therefore, the theme should be legible, clear, and simple to understand. To choose a theme in 8b Online Site Builder, click on “Select here” and select your favorite template out of the theme list. Then, you would name your future work and on “Create Site.”

Step 2: Design Your Website

After creating your site, the next step is to customize and make it more appealing and presentable. To achieve that, you should add the content to the already existing details.

As such, you can add the necessary sections that you need to appear on your website through drag and drop. Also, you scroll down and click on the plus (+), a list of sections that you can choose and use.

Create a Website For Free - 8b Web Builder Guide

Some of the crucial sections include Headers, Contacts, Features, Footers, and Menus, pricing tables, testimonials, Articles, Images, Team sections, videos, and much more. Also, you can click the “Customize Section” icon and make changes to the chosen blocks.

With this setting, you can change titles, sub-titles, color, text, overlay, opacity, paddings, and much more. To see more settings, you should click on the “Show all settings” at the bottom of the “Customize section” tab

Step 3: Publish For Free

When you’re through working on your website, click on the Hamburger, then click on the “Publish” icon, and your website will get published. If you’d wish to make changes after publishing, you can click on the “Back to Edit” icon and make your changes.


  1. It is super-fast and intuitive
  2. It is responsive and mobile-friendly design
  3. Provides free hosting
  4. No adds
  5. Has amazing multi-purpose templates
  6. Contains custom domain
  7. Easy to use and needs no prior coding knowledge

Create a Website For Free - 8b Web Builder Guide


  1. Not suitable for creating a sophisticated and highly advanced website
  2. Works best for beginners


With its free hosting, customized domains, and easy-to-use multipurpose templates, 8b Free Website Builder is a real-time saver for people with little or no coding knowledge. Not to mention, it saves time and money that could have otherwise used in hiring an expert web developer.

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